High heat intensity
Use temperature several hundred degrees higher than aluminum, at moderate temperatures can still maintain the desired strength, long-term work at a temperature of 450 ~ 500 ℃ of these two types of titanium alloys in the range of 150 ℃ ~ 500 ℃ still very high strength, and aluminum at 150 ℃ decreased significantly when compared strength. Titanium alloy operating temperature up to 500 ℃, the aluminum alloy is below 200 ℃.
Good corrosion resistance
Titanium tubing work in humid atmosphere and seawater, which is far superior corrosion resistance of stainless steel; for pitting, etching, stress corrosion resistance is particularly strong; alkali, chloride, chlorine, organic materials, nitric acid, sulfuric acid etc. have excellent corrosion resistance. However, the corrosion resistance of titanium with a reduction of oxygen and chromium salts medium is poor.